A bit about myself
Hi! My name is AK.
I'm an iOS developer and a Rutgers University-New Brunswick graduate with a keen interest in software development.
While my primary expertise lies in iOS development using Swift, I also have experience in front-end and back-end development, particularly with Java.
Additionally, I have a background in data analysis using R.
My journey into software development began with a shift from a biomedical focus.
This unique transition has given me a diverse set of passions.
My goal is to leverage technology to enhance human health and find innovative solutions to pressing challenges.
While Swift is my go-to for mobile development and Java for the back-end, I've recently taken a liking to Go and even Flutter. Outside of coding, I enjoy cooking, traveling, diving into strategy or RPG games, and watching horror/thriller movies. I'm also an avid football fan (Go Seahawks!) and am on a quest to collect a football hat from every team's city (currently at 16).
If you want to learn more about me or want to have a random conversation, hit me up!
My Projects...
Organized in reverse chronological order. All of my projects (even ones not shown here) are on GitHub
Boring Report: News by AI
Boring Report is an app that aims to remove sensationalism from the news and makes it boring to read. In today's world, catchy headlines and articles often distract readers from the actual facts and relevant information.
By utilizing the power of advanced AI language models capable of generating human-like text, Boring Report processes exciting news articles and transforms them into the content that you see. This helps readers focus on the essential details and minimizes the impact of sensationalism.
Check out the website
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My Website
This website is my commitment to keep improving with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It functions
both on desktop and mobile
and is a great way to showcase my skills, interests, and passions.
Next step is to host this website on its own domain.
BuyMe: An auction system for cars, boats, and aircrafts
BuyMe is a relational database system with a corresponding front-end that has the functionality of an online auction system. This is a Full Stack application developed with Java (JSP, JDBC), SQL (MySQL), and HTML/CSS/JavaScript(jQuery). BuyMe started as a simple ER diagram but was quickly translated into a DB schema in MySQL and was ultimately implemented as a dynamic web project using IntelliJ/Eclipse.
Future optimizations would be the inclusions of JSTL tags and Servlets or converting the whole project into a React/Spring context.
- Allows users to create, edit, and deactivate accounts
- Sellers can create auctions and posts items for sale
- A buyer can manually or auto-bid on a product and is informed when someone bids higher than them or wins the auction.
- Users can browse through items (filtered search using a search bar) and see the status of the current bidding
- Users can the transaction history of other users and set up alerts for when a product they are interested in becomes available
- The admin account can create new customer representative accounts and generate sales reports according to different criteria
- Users can post a public question that will be answered by a customer representative
- Customer representatives can remove bids, remove auctions, and edit/delete user accounts
MyTech: Tech Inventory Solution
MyTech is a super simple inventory solution that helps people easily track what they have, when they got it, and any other relevant information. It was designed/created using SwiftUI and MVVM structure and includes data persistence with Core Data
Motivation: The motivation for this project stemmed from both situational and personal interests. While stuck at home, I started to pile up a lot of tech purchases and even made the mistake of buying the same thing twice. To prevent that issue from happening again and to expand my knowledge of Swift/SwiftUI, I set out to design/develop this application.
- Functionality for adding pictures about tech item from either the camera or photo library
- Data persistence with integration with Core Data
- Export data in .csv format using a share sheet
- Support for both Light and Dark mode
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AboutSprout: An app dedicated to sprouts
AboutSprout is an app dedicated to providing essential knowledge and resources regarding common forms of sprouts. Among periods of health crises, such as that created by COVID-19, malnutrition becomes a prevalent issue among individuals in society. AboutSprout looks to alleviate this issue by reminding users of the power and potential of sprouts, an exceptionally healthy form of nutrition proven to be easy to make. By utilizing this app's extensive information on common sprouts, in-depth instructions, and comprehensive recipe list, users will have the possibility to improve their health -- even when times are dire.
- Comprehensive list of common sprouts with additional information of their scientific name, image, description, nutritional benefits, and example recipes
- Detailed instructions on how to grow with images accompanying each step
- Recipe page that contains numerous recipe links of all sprouts listed in the app
- Navigate through the four pages with an easy-to-use menu bar situated on the bottom of the app
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Let's Talk!
I hope you learned a bit about me and my interest/activities. If you want to talk to me about my profile or anything at all, check out the links below.
All of the following links will lead to some method of contacting me!